Self-care Reminder

Sometimes we just need to slow down and re-prioritize ourselves. What nourishes you? And how can you add more of those things to your life?

If you are feeling a little run down from the end of year madness, instead of forcing yourself to stick to your usual workout schedule you may just decide to rest, get extra sleep and get excited about healthy food (the monthly Recipe Packs are perfect for this). Also take a moment to be grateful for all the wonderful people you have in your life.

You may find after doing this, you’ll be feeling re-energised and ready to hit your workouts hard again. Sometimes our “exercise” needs to be restful or restorative - it’s not always about how hard we can go.

So listen to your body. DO supportive activities to create a healthy lifestyle — focusing on sleep, nutrition, stress management — that keep you feeling healthy and strong SO you can bring your A game to your workouts - leading to great results, not sabotaging them.

Never force yourself to push when your body is asking for rest. It will only backfire. When your system is already under stress, the normal “healthy stress” that comes from a workout that forces your body to adapt and strengthen is overloaded and you may overtax the system, leading not to an adaptive response but an overload response, weakening the immune system and not supporting fat loss or muscle gain.

Don’t sacrifice sleep and then push your body through the day’s stresses and expect your workout to “get the results.” The body is a complex system that is so interconnected on all these levels that we must approach our health from an integrated perspective.

Take the best care of YOUR body! And remember, how we look and feel is a byproduct of how we treat ourselves - and that comes from how we eat, how we train and how we think. Enjoy the process, love yourself and respect the journey xx
